Insurance is a very important protection that can be there for you in times of disaster.  But there are some things that are not covered by your insurance policy, and really should avoid making a call to your insurance company to inquire about.

#1: Rodent Infestation

Rodents are not something insurance companies cover.  it is up to the homeowner to seal up holes in walls, and to keep their doors and windows closed or screened so unwanted critters can’t simply walk in the front door. Not only will you not get any money for “critter removal”, you could have series problems in the future if your house burns down because of electrical faults.   You have just admitted to your insurance company that your house was full of critters that are well known to chew through electrical wires.

#2: Acts of “War”

Having a fight with your neighbour?  Had a blowout with your roommate?   Damage done in the heat of a battle is not covered by your insurance company.  It is up to the homeowner to protect their home and ensure it does not become part of a battleground. When you admit to your insurance company that you have experienced violence in your home, your claim wil be scrutinized that much more carefully if you ever do have a claim…   Was that blood stain there before?   Was that door damaged previously?   Was the carpet already soiled?

#3: Damage Resulting From Illegal Activity

Certainly one of the most common “illegal activities” in recent times has been grow-ops.   Growing a large amount of plants in a house leads to many issues.. potential mould and mildew in the walls and ceiling, water damage to the floors and ceilings, and potential stress and strain on the electrical system. Nothing is covered when you are engaged in illegal activity.  So you might as well put the phone down and clean things up yourself.

#4: Broken Appliances

Appliances and fixtures are the responsibility of the homeowner.  They are not typically covered by your insurance policy.    It is assumed that these fixtures wear out in time, and if they are not cared for they will wear out even quicker. Insurance companies do not get involved in how much and how often you use your appliances, nor the quality you decide to purchase.    it is important to maintain and/or upgrade your appliances.  To admit you are not doing so could lead to problems claiming certain events in the future.

#5:  Leaky Toilets

If your toilet burst and water comes flooding down onto the floor causing significant damage, yes.. the DAMAGE caused is covered.  However, if your toilet is leaking and over time causes significant damage to not only your floor but perhaps a ceiling below and maybe furniture and carpeting – this is NOT covered. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to fix leaky toilets before they become a problem.  And, if they are not spotted and fixed immediately, if you ever do have a disaster it will be taken into account that you had previous damage from your leaky toilet and some repairs will not be covered.

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